BFI’s EXTRA TASTY Summer #HotTakes Recap—A Flavor Bender from Calamansi to Tamarind:

So, summer 2024 has finally decided to start packing its bags and hit the road, leaving us all here basking in the afterglow of what might just be the most flavorful season on record. At Brookside Flavors & Ingredients, we didn’t just spend the summer chilling by the pool—we were poking at the edges of flavor, nudging the culinary world to rethink what’s possible with our Summer #HotTakes series. This wasn’t your typical “let’s talk about flavors” roundup. This was a full-on flavor bender that took us from the zesty zing of Calamansi to the tangy kick of Tamarind with a mouthful of flavorful surprises along the way. And now that we’re staring down the barrel of autumn, it’s time to look back at the wild ride and think about where these bold flavors might take us next.

Full-on flavor bender? You bet. This pic? Yeah, not exactly what went down. But it was a vibe.

CALAMANSI: The Little Citrus That Packed a Punch
We kicked things off with Calamansi, a citrus dynamo that came at us like a lime on steroids. If you’ve never tangled with Calamansi before, let me set the scene: imagine a citrus fruit that’s been hitting the gym hard and is ready to knock your socks off with its intense flavor. Originating from the Philippines, this little powerhouse made us rethink everything we thought we knew about citrus.

When life gives you lemons, toss ’em aside and grab a handful of these small but might citrus fruits.
💪🍋 #CalamansiFlex”

Calamansi Crush: The Cocktail That Threw the First Punch
Enter the Calamansi Crush—a drink that didn’t just start the party, it was the party. We took this fierce little citrus, squeezed out every drop of its tart, sweet magic, and turned it into a cocktail that had us all buzzing. This wasn’t just another drink to sip by the pool; it was a flavor bomb that woke up our taste buds and kicked off the summer with a bang.

Forget hard lemonade—Calamansi just benched it. 🍋💥

💡For Food & Beverage Innovators:
Calamansi isn’t just here for the summer fling—it’s got long-term potential. Its intense citrus flavor makes it a perfect candidate for all kinds of products, from sparkling beverages to tangy marinades. If you’re looking to add some serious zing to your next product, Calamansi is your go-to. It’s bold, it’s bright, and it’s ready to shake up the shelves.

🔗 Discover the full story behind Calamansi and our citrus knockout the Calamansi Crush here

YUZU: The Citrus That Rewrote the Rules

Yuzu’s got us all questioning how lemons and limes held the citrus crown for so long.
👑🍋🍊 #YuzuReigns #CitrusShakeup

Next up in our flavor lineup was Yuzu, a citrus that didn’t just enter the room—it walked in, tossed its coat over a chair, and took over the place. Yuzu is the flavor that makes you question why you ever settled for plain old lemons and limes. Hailing from East Asia, Yuzu has been quietly rewriting the citrus playbook, and this summer, we made sure it got the attention it deserves.

Yuzu Herb Marinated Chicken: The Grill Master’s Secret
Yuzu found its perfect match in our Yuzu Herb Marinated Chicken. This wasn’t just grilled chicken—it was a full-blown culinary experience. We paired Yuzu’s bright, floral zing with fresh herbs, creating a marinade that turned a simple chicken breast into something you’d want to write home about.

“Dear Mom, this Yuzu Herb Marinated Chicken made me question everything I knew about dinner.
Sincerely, my taste buds.”

💡For Food & Beverage Innovators:
Yuzu’s unique flavor profile—think the tartness of grapefruit with the sweetness of mandarin—makes it a standout ingredient in both savory and sweet applications.  Whether you’re mixing up the next big RTD beverage, crafting a gourmet marinade, or even playing around with confections, Yuzu’s complex flavor profile offers endless possibilities. It’s got the kind of sophisticated, unexpected taste that today’s consumers are craving.

🔗 Dive into the zingy details of Yuzu & Yuzu Herb Marinated Chicken here

HIBISCUS: The Floral Powerhouse That Kept Us Cool
As the summer heat started turning up, we turned to Hibiscus to cool things down. This wasn’t just about throwing a pretty flower into the mix—Hibiscus came in swinging with its tart, floral punch. Celebrated across cultures for its vibrant color and versatility, Hibiscus was the refreshing splash we all needed.

Looking for ‘just another flower’? Wrong place.

Hibiscus Ginger Sparkler: The Mocktail That Stole the Spotlight
Hibiscus took the stage in our Hibiscus Ginger Sparkler, a mocktail that had everyone talking. The tart, floral notes of Hibiscus paired with the spicy warmth of ginger and a burst of citrus made this drink the star of summer sipping. It wasn’t just a cool-down drink; it was a flavor experience that left a lasting impression.

 Hibiscus delivering on the summer cool down.
Who needs shade? #BigChillEnergy

💡 For Food & Beverage Innovators:
Hibiscus is more than just a pretty face. Its tart, refreshing flavor, combined with its vibrant color, makes it an ideal ingredient for beverages, desserts, and even savory dishes. Plus, with its high Vitamin C content and antioxidants, Hibiscus fits perfectly into the wellness trend. If you’re looking to create a product that’s both eye-catching and packed with flavor, Hibiscus is your MVP.

🔗 Explore the refreshing power of Hibiscus and the Hibiscus Ginger Sparkler here.

MUSHROOM UMAMI: The Fungi That Brought the Flavor
Then we took a deep dive into the world of umami with mushrooms, the fungi that have been quietly revolutionizing kitchens everywhere. Mushrooms aren’t just a side note—they’re the flavor bomb that takes a dish from good to unforgettable. This summer, we put them front and center.

All hail the Umami King!

Shiitake Umami Fried Chicken Sando: The Sandwich That Changed the Game
Our Shiitake Umami Fried Chicken Sando wasn’t just a sandwich—it was a full-on flavor assault. Marinated in shiitake mushroom extract, soy sauce, and herbs, this chicken was fried to crispy perfection and served in a bun that could barely contain all that umami goodness. It was a sando that had us all rethinking what a sandwich could be.

Umami so deep, you’ll question reality with every bite 🍗🍄 This crispy, soy-soaked, shiitake-marinated glory wrapped in a bun is a Sandwich Revolution you didn’t know you were ready for.

💡For Food & Beverage Innovators:
Mushrooms are the unsung heroes of the umami world. Their deep, savory flavor can transform everything from soups to snacks to plant-based proteins. And with their health benefits—boosting immunity, enhancing brain function, reducing inflammation—mushrooms are the perfect ingredient for today’s health-conscious consumers. If you’re looking to add depth and complexity to your product lineup, mushrooms are the answer.

🔗 Talk Shiitake and grab the umami-packed Umami Fried Chicken Sando recipe here.

GUAVA: The Tropical Twist That Took Bruschetta to New Heights
Just when you thought summer couldn’t get any more surprising, we hit you with Guava. This wasn’t just another fruit—it was the tropical twist that turned everything upside down. We took this sweet, slightly tangy fruit and gave a summer classic a whole new vibe.

💥 Guava is a sweet-tangy powerhouse that’s gonna have you drizzling, mixing, and glazing your dishes
from ‘meh’ to ‘🔥.’

Tomato Bruschetta with Guava Balsamic Glaze: The Appetizer That Went on Vacation
Bruschetta has always been a summer staple, but this year, we decided to give it a tropical twist. Enter the Tomato Bruschetta with Guava Balsamic Glaze—a dish that took everything you love about bruschetta and made it better. The sweet, tangy Guava paired with the rich depth of balsamic vinegar created a glaze that turned this appetizer into a must-have summer treat.

🚨Guava Balsamic Glaze just took bruschetta on a first-class flight to flavor town 🍅🌴

💡 For Food & Beverage Innovators:
Guava isn’t just here for the tropical vibes—it’s a versatile ingredient that can take your products to the next level. Whether it’s adding a sweet-savory glaze to your latest culinary creation, infusing a new beverage with tropical flair, or creating a dessert that surprises and delights, Guava is the ingredient that keeps on giving. It’s time to take your products on a tropical vacation.

🔗 See how our Tomato Bruschetta with Guava Balsamic Glaze stole the show and get all the sweet details on Guava here.

TAMARIND: The Tangy Rebel That Closed Out Summer
Finally, as summer began to wind down, we turned to Tamarind to bring a little extra zing to the table. Tamarind isn’t just another fruit—it’s a flavor disruptor with enough attitude to wake up even the most jaded taste buds.

Tamarind rolls up looking like a dusty bean pod, but hits your taste buds like a tangy-sweet flavor missile straight outta left field. You’re never ready—yet somehow, it’s exactly what you needed.

Tamarind Twist Cooler: The Drink That Owned the Season
The Tamarind Twist Cooler was our parting gift to summer—a drink that packed a punch with its tangy, sweet profile. Tamarind’s unique flavor, balanced with lime and ginger, made this cooler the ultimate refreshment for those sweltering summer days. It wasn’t just a drink—it was a flavor explosion that left you wanting more.

💡For Food & Beverage Innovators:
Tamarind is the flavor that keeps you on your toes. Its bold, tangy profile makes it perfect for everything from beverages to sauces to snacks. As consumers continue to seek out bold, exciting flavors, Tamarind offers a unique opportunity to create products that stand out in a crowded market. It’s time to give your lineup a tangy twist.

🔗 Uncover how tangy Tamarind wrapped up our summer with our Tamarind Twist Cooler here.

🎆💥 THE FUSION FINALE: Blending Tradition with Innovation 💥🎆
So, here we are at the end of the summer flavor bender, looking back at what was truly a season of culinary exploration. What ties all these flavors together is more than just their bold profiles—it’s the way they blend tradition with innovation, creating something that’s both familiar and totally unexpected—they’re a blueprint for how to create products that resonate in today’s market. Whether you’re looking to add a citrus twist, a floral note, or a savory depth, these flavors offer the versatility and uniqueness that can make your next product a hit.

Brookside Flavors & Ingredients is here to help you make innovative leaps—from concept to market-ready product, with the kind of bold, memorable flavors that consumers will come back for, again and again.

🔗 Let’s keep the pedal to the metal together create something unforgettable.  You can put the key in the flavor ignition here.

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