BFI’s Summer #HotTakes Flavor Fest: Tamarind

It’s summer, the sun’s blazing, and your taste buds are crying out for something that smacks of more than just a run-of-the-mill refreshment. You need a flavor that’s going to jolt consumers out of their sun-drenched stupor, something with enough punch to make them sit up and take notice. Enter tamarind—part sweet, part sour, and all attitude. This isn’t just another fruit; it’s the flavor disruptor summer’s been waiting for.

Tamarind’s Wild Ride From The African Savannas to Your Kitchen

Tamarind Fruit

Let’s start with a little history, because tamarind didn’t just show up at your grocery store by accident. This fruit’s got roots—literally and metaphorically. Tamarind trees are towering giants native to Africa, but they didn’t stay put. They spread across the globe, planting themselves in India, Southeast Asia, Central America, and beyond.

This isn’t just a fruit; it’s a cultural chameleon. In India, tamarind adds a sour twist to curries that’ll make your grandma’s recipe blush. In Mexico, it’s the star of candies that make your lips pucker and your eyes water. Thailand? They stir it into soups that slap you across the face with flavor. Tamarind isn’t here to play nice; it’s here to take the spotlight and make sure you remember every bite.

But tamarind’s story doesn’t end with food. It’s also been used in traditional medicine for centuries. With its high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, tamarind is not only delicious but also a nutritious addition to your diet.

Flavor Profile: Sweet, Sour, and Just the Right Kind of Funky 🎸

Tamarind is like that friend who’s always up for anything—a little sweet, a little sour, and a whole lot of fun. Imagine sucking on a lemon drop that’s been dunked in caramel, then washed down with a shot of something that burns just a little. That’s tamarind, a flavor that hits every note on the taste spectrum and then some.

Tamarind Barbecue Duck

When you bite into tamarind, the first taste is a rush of tanginess, followed by a gentle sweetness that lingers on your tongue. This balance of sweet and sour makes tamarind an incredibly versatile ingredient. It can be the star of a dish or the supporting character that ties all the flavors together.

A Culinary Chameleon: How to Get Down with Tamarind 🦎
If you’re not already cooking with tamarind, you’re about to have a serious case of FOMO. This fruit is a game-changer, and the ways you can use it are as varied as they are delicious. Here’s how to let tamarind loose in your kitchen:

• Tamarind Paste: This is your go-to for adding a concentrated burst of tangy sweetness to everything from marinades to glazes. Ever had BBQ sauce with tamarind? Yeah, tamarind just made it better.

• Tamarind Water: This isn’t just water—it’s magic. Made by soaking tamarind pulp in warm water, this liquid gold is the base for everything from soups to cocktails. Splash some in a margarita and thank us later.

Tamarind Candy

• Tamarind Candy: If you’ve never tried tamarind candy, you’re in for a wild ride. It’s sweet, sour, and sometimes a little spicy—a treat that’s equal parts nostalgic and totally new.

• Tamarind Chutney: Move over ketchup, tamarind chutney is here to blow your mind. Slather it on samosas, drizzle it on grilled meats, or just eat it with a spoon. We won’t judge.

Meet Your New Summer Fling: The Tamarind Twist Cooler
Summer is all about cooling down, and tamarind isn’t just here to spice up your meals—it’s ready to take over your drink menu, too. Say hello to the Tamarind Twist Cooler—a drink that’s as bold and refreshing as a cannonball into the deep end. This isn’t just a beverage; it’s a flavor bomb that explodes with the tang of tamarind, the zing of lime, and just enough sweetness to keep you sipping.

Tamarind Twist Cooler Recipe


• 1/4 cup tamarind paste

• 2 cups water

• 1/4 cup simple syrup (adjust to taste)

• 1/4 cup fresh lime juice

• 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

• Sparkling water (to top off)

• Ice cubes

• Lime wedges and mint leaves for garnish


1. Prepare the Tamarind Base: In a small pot, combine tamarind paste and water. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally until the tamarind dissolves. Strain the mixture into a pitcher, discarding any solids.

2. Mix the Cooler: Add the simple syrup, lime juice, and ground ginger to the tamarind base. Stir well to combine. Taste and adjust sweetness if needed.

3. Garnish & Serve: Fill glasses with ice cubes, pour the tamarind mixture over the ice, and top off with sparkling water. Add a lime wedge and a sprig of mint for a refreshing finish

5. Enjoy: Sip and savor the tropical tang of tamarind as it cools you down on a hot summer day

The Future: Tamarind’s Ready to Take Over 🔮✊

As we hurtle toward a future where flavors are bolder, brighter, and downright weirder, tamarind is sitting pretty. Chefs, mixologists, and flavor junkies alike are waking up to what tamarind’s been throwing down for centuries. We’re talking tamarind-glazed ribs, tamarind-infused craft cocktails, and even tamarind-flavored popsicles that’ll make you rethink everything you know about summer treats.

Fusion is the name of the game, and tamarind’s the wildcard that takes your dish from “meh” to “hell yeah!” Think about it: A tamarind BBQ sauce on your next burger? A tamarind twist in your favorite cocktail? The possibilities are endless, and they’re all delicious.

#HotTake: Tamarind is the Flavor You Didn’t Know You Needed

As we put finishing touches on the summer season, it’s time to embrace tamarind and let its tangy, tropical flavor elevate your culinary adventures. Whether you’re a home cook looking to spice up your meals or a foodie on the hunt for the next big flavor trend, tamarind is the ingredient that will make your taste buds dance.

Go ahead—grab some tamarind, get creative, and let this tangy treasure transport you to the tropics with every bite. And while you’re at it, cool down with a Tamarind Twist Cooler. Go for throwing caution to the wind because Tamarind is flavor experience that’s equal parts chaos and perfection, just like summer should be.

So, you’re ready to let tamarind crash your summer party and take over your taste buds—smart move. But why stop there? At Brookside Flavors and Ingredients, we’ve got the goods to make sure every bite, sip, and dish you create is a game-changer that’ll have your customers swooning. Whether you’re diving into tamarind or exploring any of our other summer #HotTakes, we’re here to help you craft flavors that leave a lasting impression.

Ready to shake things up? Let’s make this summer unforgettable together. Hit us up. 

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